COVID-19 Policy/Procedures – We are open and taking precautions.
Please click here for office updates and contact information.

2020 Holiday Schedule

February 19, 2020

Our office will have alternate hours or will be Closed on the following holidays:

April 10th – Good Friday 1/2 day(closing at noon)
May 25th – Memorial Day
July 3rd – Independence Day
September 7th – Labor Day
November 26th-27th – Thanksgiving
December 24th-31st – Christmas to New Year 2021
(Office will reopen on Monday, Jan. 4th, 2021)

Emergency Contact

During the holiday schedule direct company contact – in the event of an emergency
David E. Vermillion, 559-351-1780


All Payments and/or claim information goes directly to the carriers and not to be left with our office as we closed.

P.O. Box 91016
Chicago, IL 606-80-1174
Information/Claims: 1-800-332-3226

Calif. INS. Group (CIG):
P.O. Box 2039
Monterey, CA 93942
Information: 1-800-682-9255
Roadside Assistance: 877-237-7167

Mercury Insurance:
P.O. Box 11992
Santa Ana, CA 92711
Information: 1-888-637-2176
Claims: 1-888-313-6372

Liberty Mutual:
P.O. Box 91021
Chicago, IL 60680-1171
Information: 1-800-672-8130
Claims: 1-844-325-2467

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